Stage & Presentation Equipment Rentals in Alexandria, VA

A&A Rental Station is your ultimate source for staging and presentation equipment rentals in Alexandria, NOVA, and the Washington DC metro area. We supply all the components you need to put together a stage for any type of event. From the stage to the stairs, to the skirting, you’ll have everything you need to add something special to your next party, corporate event, or concert.

All staging must be set up on a stable, even surface. Installation and delivery service is available for all rentals. The delivery charge will be based on the location of your event.

Staging Rate
4′x6′ Section, 8″ high $50
4′x6′ Section, 16″ high $50
Stage Steps $75
Stage Skirting, 10′long Section (Black) $14
Pipe & Drape, 8′ high $55 per 10′ section
LED Lighted Curtain $75
Podium (Bluetooth) $125
Screen, Projector (70″x70″) $25
Easel – Tripod 6′ $13

Staging must be set up on a solid level surface. Prices include installation. However, delivery charges are based on the location of your event. If you are interested in this service please call us and we can go over the logistics for your event to determine the fees.